Ujjwal Seeds Pvt. Ltd. Was established in June 2003 for producing and marketing F1 Hybrid and Improved open Pollinated vegetables seeds in India.
Our seed business is backed up by painstaking Plant Breeding work at our Research Stations, Seeds Testing work of germination, moisture percentage and purity, both physical and genetic at our trail grounds at Delhi and the scientific Seed Production at our production centers of India at different agro climatic zone where high standards are maintained.
At "Ujjwal Seeds Pvt. Ltd.", it is our constant endeavor to develop new varieties of vegetable seeds with attributes par excellence as per requirements of various markets in India, maintain stable supply of tested quality seeds and provide faithful service to ensure that seeds delivered to our customers must be of quality absolutely true to name and the germination well above the normally accepted standards always keeping in mind the ultimate users of seeds, the farmers.
Our motto is "Excellent quality seeds at reasonable price".
All "Ujjwal Seeds" activities are concentrated towards the multidimensional development of the farmers, Supply of quality seeds, undertaking research and development programmes, consistent efforts for developing more and more High Yielding Varieties etc. are key areas to which "Ujjwal Seeds" benefits is extended.